Massive Oneness Healing Experience

... next session date coming soon, stay tuned!

... a wild and transformative experience of massive healing and subconscious deprogramming 

... one hour online with José Antonio Manchado

Would you like to let go of subconscious programming?

Would you like to experience entering in the Oneness field of the heart?

Would you like to let fear and its structures dissolve there? 

Would you like to experiencemassive healing?



Then join this live online gathering of joy and liberation, full of healing spontaneity where José Antonio Manchado leads you into the Oneness field of the heart.    

Are you ready to receive massive blessings,

Universal healing energy

and the healing energy of Mother Nature?


Other participants' experiences


José Antonio Manchado says at the beginning of every event: 'don't believe anything I say'.

This is because you can, and will, only have your own experience. Not someone else's.

Even though we heal together at the Massive Oneness Healing Experience, you'll have your unique personal experience.

'During the healing, I felt a massive amount of energy being directed at me, then felt confused the day after. As the day went by I felt more alive the congestion in my sinuses and the pressure and the pain in my right ear is gone.'

- Roksana Golshan


'Thank you that I can be there 🙏🏼 I liked it so much!!

I feel another person!

This was amazing!!'


- Teus (11 years)


'José Antonio took us on a journey to experience our natural state which is love, there where we can feel we are pure love. From there healing takes place in a natural and effortless way. Love heals and there is more love to experience everytime, I can tell from my own experience.'

- Kirsten Cornelissen


'… I would say that an online Oneness Healing was even more powerful and enlightening than a live offline Group Healing, because it is much less distracting.

It was truly a metaphysical experience. Mentally and Emotionally I zero'd out really quickly, a state I never experienced before today: Truly a Zero Point experience. Meeting the future timeline was pure bliss and today there is so much clarity and no stress!'

- Lidewij


'It felt like a big shift and I felt a lot of different waves with emotions, thoughts, space, love, peace. And I felt everyone close as if there was no screen or computer involved. The healing felt for me like during a group healing.'

- Florine de Cock

Check out this video showcasing the powerful experience of a Massive Oneness Healing Experience (with English subtitles).

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 A feeling of joy, bliss and oneness arose.

It was a beautiful experience and that it was an online session didn't affect it.

- Bas Arets

Who is José Antonio Manchado?

What has he done? And who has taught him what he's teaching? 


José Antonio Manchado...  

... is author of the books: Be Happier than the Dalai Lama and Are you Ill? Congratulations! Discover the opportunity in illness”. He is Master of Rigpa Energetic Healing, of Dharma Shamanic System, of Reiki Usui, and of ancient and modern Tibetan singing Bowls therapy and Gong therapy. 


... loves sharing what he has been learning for over more than 20 years from various teachers: Tibetan Buddhists, Zen Monks, Lamas and Aboriginals. These include teachers from around the world like Akong Rinpoche, Lama Sangye, Sogyal Rinpoche, Kalu Tseng (Tibet), Karma Dorje Senge (Nepal), Gong master Adrey Lee (China), Jorge Diaz (Spain), and Bruce Manaka (USA). 


... has been helping thousands of people with his workshops, courses and retreats for meditation and mental calmness since 2004. In all his events he shares the practices that have helped him to live happy and free

This gathering could be a gateway

to inner peace and new horizons.

practical details


What will you get?

» A wild and transformative experience of massive healing and subconscious deprogramming

» An online event of about one hour depending on the spontaneity and energy of the moment

» This event is led and guided by José Antonio Manchado


When and where is it?

» Next session date coming soon, stay tuned!

» It will take place online via Zoom

» You can sign-up until one hour before the event starts.


How much is the exchange? 

» The exchange for this event is 33 euro - to pay upon registration. 


Can anyone attend? 

» Are you 100% committed to open yourself and learn something new? Yes? Then you can join and will get as much as possible out of the experience.

» No previous experience is required.

» You're required to join the Zoom session with a working camera

» We do reserve the right of admission in order to facilitate a smooth and conscious event without unnecessary interruptions.

Do you have any questions before you want to sign-up? 

Find the answers to frequently asked questions here.


Didn't find the answer you were looking for?


Or do you have another question about this event?

Just email us at [email protected] and we'll get back to you.

Don't believe anything we say, 

just experience it for yourself!


Are you ready?

Ready to take the next step on your journey?

Ready and open to have a new experience?